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Burt's RV Trip across the U.S.A. April 20-May 20, 2007

Descending into Carlsbad Caverns.

I guess this guy could not read  the sign above as a woman  dropped her camera over the side and this man went to fetch it at personal risk.

I elected to walk down the 750 feet in altitude rather than take the elevator. It was well worth it, pictures cannot capture the Carlsbad Caverns. It was 55 degrees and for some reason no cell signal???

Guadalupe Mountains National Park

This is the "campground "in the Guadalupe National Park. It is merely a parking lot with no hookups, so why stay there, the scenery was some of the best.

I decided to TRY and hike up to El Capitan about 8000 feet (3000 above the campground), somehow I lost the trail however this time I had great visibility of my RV in the distance AND I had the GPS and after an hour or more found the trail again.

After I found the trail I met several people coming down, a clue that I ought not be going up. High winds of 40 MPH were in force. I was told by the ranger there were rattlesnakes but not to worry, most do not bite and even if they do most people live without treatment.

He was a little better prepared than I

I met the guy on the way up, notice it is getting dark, he warned me to go down because I would never find my way out in the dark. There was a peak I wanted to reach, I told him I would turn around in 15 minutes. I reached my peak, then I headed down and caught up with him ( I am really fast going down-at Carlsbad Caverns I made the 2 hour decent in 45 minutes). He was real slow going down but I stayed with him as I did not want to lose the trail. That night in the dark the sky looked like a Planetarium. During the night gale force winds rocked the RV.

I reached my furthest destination when I visited my sister in Hereford, Arizona. As you will see below she and her friend Georgy were great assets in touring me around the area.  Here we are in a border town in Mexico.

On the U.S. side you can see the illegals left some clothes behind, they leave garbage everywhere.

Cameras and balloons are setup to spot illegal entry. Could those on the right be illegal? I did not ask.

Entering Mexico, this is it for border security.

In Naco, Mexico the bar is open, 10AM Sunday morning, in fact in never closes.

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